Happy Birthday, Buddy!
In all of my life, I have never felt the emotions I have in the past two and a half years. Getting married to a wonderful man and having an amazing baby boy has made me feel emotions that I didn't know existed. I love you two so much. Happy first birthday! This past year was full of fun, wasn't it? It's weird to think that you won't remember it at all when you are older but you will carry every bit of it with you. You learned how to eat, how to laugh and smile, how to stand on your own and balancing, and way more than I even realize. I am so excited for the years ahead of us but I thought I would take a look back at the year we've spent together...

Pre birth!! You were a cute little nugget even before you were born. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart" Jeremiah 1:5

Your birthday last year! Everyone was so enamored by you and your presence! Unbelievable emotions! "This is the day that the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalm 118:25

October! If you thought we would let a single Halloween go by without dressing you up, you were poorly mistaken! You made me laugh. We had zero trick or treaters (they all trick or treat on Mayfair around the corner) but we had fun with you anyway. All of my friends were making dinners and coming to visit. This was a fun stage. "This is what the Lord says - Your Redeemer, the Holy one of Israel: 'I am the Lord your God who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go'" - Isaiah 48:17

November! What a whirl. Mama wasn't sleeping much, emotional as I can be.. Daddy was working a lot. B and Doc came through town every chance they got. Aunt Ellen came and cheered on the Auburn tigers with you in her arms. Aunt Lindsey and Grandaddy Galbraith came to town and played frisbee in the front yard. It was a blur. When I see these photos, I can't imagine you this little.. well, maybe just a little part of me can..

Our little Santa Clause! We had so much fill this season! Christmas as wonderful with being surrounded by family and friends. I'll never forget you in this costume. I had bought it at a consignment sale and we sure did use it. We did a lot of travel, too, and you did so great in the car. We drove all the way to Dallas (in the early part of Jan.). The holiday was celebrated in style. "For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" Isaiah 9:6

January brought on the new year and you were still so small (although, knocking out the growth charts at the doctor's office). My son, you do love to eat! We had a great January. Jim and I had fun putting you in all of the toys we had such as the play mat you are on this picture, the bumbo (once you got the head control), the baby einstein entertainment center.. You were busy learning.. trying to focus.. and using that voice. I have a feeling you won't be a shy little boy.

February was awesome. I was still learning a lot but you started to sleep a lot better too. I was excited that you slept through all of the contruction going on downstairs. We got that basement built for you, big buddy!.. well, and our guests :)

March. This is a photo of you starting to hold on to things to stand up! Use those legs, boy! You sure knew how in the womb :) It snowed in March. In fact, it snowed three of four times in 2010 and we stayed inside for most of it! Sooo crazy.

AAAhhh April. This photo may have even been late March but I always think of Easter as in April so I put this photo because it is so funny. This bunny looks drugged. Jim and I met up with Aidan and Charlene to get our photo with the bunny wearing way too much eye makeup for my taste... Still don't understand the planning of that costume.

May.. Okay, I admit that I entered this one photo in some contest.. I think it was a yobaby contest. Anyhow, I swore to myself I would never do that because my emotions would get way too carried away but I did it anyhow. But I mean, come on... this baby is cute!! And healthy at Dr. McCain's office. Rosy cheeks and a cheery disposition. Little did he know some shots were coming.

June was a fun month. It was time to get out in the sun and play!! (with sunscreen, of course). You had new experiences with water and splashing around. I mean, look at this booty! James, I promise before you get near to any dating age, I will protect these photos :) "I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he consider me faithful, appointing me to his service" 1 Timothy 1:12

July! Getting hotter!! We got out in the sun and spent several days in the park swinging in the bucket swings. I remember taking you to downtown Homewood for the fourth of July and strolling you around. You really loved the ponies at the pony ride.. You love animals.

August. August was when I perfected the barricade and baby proofed the house to perfection. You went from "kinda crawling" to "all over the house and in every cabinet and drawer" almost overnight. The women at the day care at work were calling you "Hurricane James". A name, I think, just might stick.

September.. GOOOOO Bulldogs! We love Dan Mullens!! Doc showed us such a good time in the game box and we had a great time tailgating.

And here we are.. A photo taken today on your first birthday. What a joy! What bliss!! What trouble shall this next year bring?!
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" John 14:27